Arts-Based Evaluation of the WiseGuyz Program: 2018-2024

Research Aims

This page showcases art that we have co-created with youth WiseGuyz participants over the past 6 years, through an arts-based evaluation process. The goal of our arts-based evaluation is to have youth use art to talk about their experiences in the WiseGuyz program. WiseGuyz is a gender-transformative healthy relationships promotion program for adolescent boys that aims to improve mental and sexual health and reduce violence. WiseGuyz was developed by the Centre for Sexuality in Calgary, AB. 

We know that for youth, describing abstract feelings and ideas as part of evaluating a program can be difficult. So, we introduced the use of art into our evaluation strategies with youth. Arts-based evaluation is also what is known as youth participatory evaluation. This means that youth in the project are not just participants, but are co-researchers who are helping to lead the evaluation by collecting data (in this case, art).

For this project, youth were asked to take photos/create art of what it means to be a guy in their world 1) Before WiseGuyz, and 2) After WiseGuyz. Youth photos/art are then used in individual interviews where youth lead the conversation and describe the meaning of their photos/art. From 2018-2024, we had 4 sites complete this project. Their art is showcased below. We have not included site details to protect participant confidentiality.