Suicide Prevention Activities
School-based Suicide Prevention
Teachers play a critical role in student suicide prevention, as they are key gatekeepers to student mental health services. We are currently working on a community-based study which compares three teacher training interventions to support effective implementation of school-based suicide prevention. We are also supporting Alberta Health Services to evaluate their newly-designed School-Based Suicidal Ideation Response Protocol.
School-Based Suicide Risk Assessment Using eHealth
Suicide is the second leading cause of death for Canadian youth. Schools are a key suicide prevention site, but due to COVID-19, many youth have reduced contact with their usual school supports and services. This poses new challenges for school staff as they work to support youth at risk for suicide virtually/remotely. This project is creating a knowledge synthesis that explores promising practices for conducting school-based suicide risk assessment with youth via eHealth in the context of COVID-19.
Our Partners
Community Health Sciences
See results on school-based suicide prevention here.